Lapointe Family Law

Divorce can be difficult, especially when children are involved. Keeping children safe and healthy and minimising their exposure to hostility or fighting should be a top priority for any couple. Even with the best intentions, couples may have difficulty not involving their children in their separation. At Lapointe Family Law, we are family law specialists in Sydney that keep the overall wellness of our clients and their families a top priority, especially when a divorce is a high conflict one. Here are some tips to keep in mind to keep your children out of the middle of your separation.

Avoid Conflict with Your Spouse

Remember that no matter how much conflict there has been between you and your spouse, they are still your children’s parent. Speaking negatively about him/her in front of your children can put them under stress and cause confusion during an already difficult time.

Encourage A Healthy Relationship With Their Other Parent

Encourage your children to avoid picking sides in your separation. Your children will benefit from maintaining a healthy relationship with both parents, no matter how they feel about one another.

Lapointe Family Law

Your Children Shouldn’t Be Your Confidants

Avoid confiding your problems in your children, especially challenges regarding your spouse. If you are struggling emotionally, seek the help of a professional counsellor, therapist or psychologist.

Don’t Communicate Through Your Children

Your kids shouldn’t need to play messenger between you and your spouse. If you struggle to communicate with their other parent, look into a parenting app specifically for communicating about the children, their needs and daily activities. Many have options for tone monitors to help keep communication between parents civil, which can be very helpful in high-conflict divorces.

Lapointe Family Law is a firm of family law specialists in Sydney that takes a holistic approach to our clients and their cases. We collaborate with a highly trained team of wellness professionals such as financial wellness specialists, life coaches, psychologists, therapists, counsellors and more to help our clients through the personal difficulties they face when going through a divorce or separation. We offer world-class legal services along with the support and care they need.

If you’re looking for family law specialists in Sydney to handle your separation or divorce and help keep your kids out of the middle, call Lapointe Family Law today at (02) 98445492.