Category: Criminal Law

Criminal law is basically a system of law that relates to crime. This type of law system is required to protect the security of individual interests in organized societies and to guarantee the survival of the group.

The main aim of this law is to differentiate between what is acceptable conduct and what is unacceptable conduct within a society.

Criminal cases:

There are several criminal cases that are illegal and punishable by law. These cases fall under these categories:

  • Juvenile law
  • White-collar crime
  • Violent crimes
  • Sex crimes
  • Post-conviction relief
  • Drug and alcohol-related crimes
  • Other crimes

Types of crime:

The two most common crimes are:

  1. Felonies
  2. Misdemeanours

Felonies: The punishment for this crime is imprisonment for one year or longer. This type of crime includes:

  • Rape
  • Murder
  • Kidnapping
  • Treason
  • Robbery

Misdemeanours: The punishment for this crime is imprisonment for one year or less than one year. This type of crime includes:

  • Minor in possession of alcohol
  • Petty theft
  • DIU (Driving under the influence)